Brief awakenings: White Rose The Musical @MaryleboneTHLDN

The focus here is on a fictitious charity called Number 93. Funds are down, and expenses are up. The race is on to find some emergency funding. But is it an expensive overhead with high paying charity executives draining the money, or is it impossible demands by the government to deliver essential services for vulnerable children and adults?
It's a short piece. Perhaps it could do with further expansion, fleshing out the story and sharpening the focus on the founders to explain how they ended up running such a large charitable organisation and their struggle to keep things afloat. You don't get a sense of the work or the character's motivations until the very end.
The similarities to another charity with a colourful chief executive who had a 90k salary are there. But what's interesting is when the piece starts to explore how government grants and lottery funds keep things afloat. And push charities to the edge. There's a story there. Perhaps one that needs to be a little longer and pull no punches in the process.
Directed by Manuel Bau, Charity Case is at the Drayton Arms theatre this week only until 20 November.
Production photos