Brief awakenings: White Rose The Musical @MaryleboneTHLDN

The premise is that Dick Whittington having defeated King Rat, is Mayor of London. And during his first Christmas Santa is eaten by a large white wale. And so with the help of Dr Arab, a marine biologist they find the Whale, and get out Santa and save Christmas.
Sleeping Trees have a history of turning traditional pantomimes on their head. Previous shows included Cinderella and the Beanstalk and Scrooge and the Seven Dwarves. Now with The Legend of Moby Dick Whittington, they can use the magic of recorded performance to make silly special effects and play multiple characters without the need for quick costume changes.
A show for all the family, regardless of its shape or size or age. And a bargain at just a fiver. Directed by Kerry Frampton and performed by James Dunnell-Smith, Joshua George Smith and John Woodburn as Sleeping Trees. The Legend of Moby Dick Whittington is available to stream from their website until 5 January.
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Photos by Shaun Reynolds